
Go make insanely great products — if you can

The onus is on established tech entrepreneurs to help the younger generation realize the consequence of the get-rich-quick ecosystem.

This article from VentureBeat sounds like the pre-amble to the hysterically, but sadly, funny opening episode of  the HBO Series “Silicon Valley,” where one of the startup founders in the Palo Alto incubator ranch home was praised for his product “Nip Alert.” I laughed. But inside I cried.

Building companies is hard work.  Creating meaning is hard work. Making it matter is hard work. The new generation of tech entrepreneurs would be well advised to do their level best to avoid the whoopee and hoopla of acquisitions like What’s App, and get back to writing good code and making insanely great products that make a difference.

And, just to pile it on, read what Don Dodge, Developer Advocate at Google has to say, in his article “I could build Instagram in a week.”  He points to first mover advantage, the network effect that results in building an excited and active community, and simply great, intuitive design that people love to use. There’s an awful lot of luck, as well as science, in a big hit. But rarely is there anything “quick” about it.